Saturday, March 28, 2009

The lameless thing.

I bored bored bored. And i was read all my old messages. Its all about my past. I feel guilty. I laugh. I punched the monitor. And its still bored. Are you come the the CBN carnival? Lets go dude. hahaha. Talk alone, Shout alone and do all the thing alone.

i am zakwan. and i bored.

Yeah she is my ex-girlfriend! And i, okay its my secret. I wont tell you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Like brother like another brother too

Come on Zakwan! Show him a good attitude dude! Do not miss to salah five times everyday. Do alot of homework infront of him and many more. Ohhh fuck the system!

Our dad left us when we just a little baby and kid. We suffer this together. The joy and the sadness. So i can not let you go brother.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Western Imperialism

18 March 2009 1630pm.
I was with my cousins Takep, Edy, Liyana and Mil at Food Republic took some beverages. Then my mom called me told that Donut was injured at home causes of Gas explode. Whoah! I shocked at that moment. Thinking of Donut. Mana tak worry bhai!

Id wait for the train at KL Sentral. Fuck! Sampai sampai rumah, rumah hancur sial! Tingkap semua pecah. Cuba kamu semua pikir apa akan jadi kat adik aku kalau tong gas meletup? Effect dia sama dengan grenade kan?

I with Atiya and other friends went to Hospital Besar Kelang. Fuck jamm! Sampai je kat hospital tu aku terus bergegas ke wad 3b. Masuk je wad tu aku dah nampak donut dengan semua anggota badannya dibalut. Bisikkan ku berkata, "Alhamdullilah, aku taknak jadi anak bongsu"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Apa kau peduli?

Di Kenya bahasa rasmi mereka ialah bahasa Portugal. Di Senegal dan Congo bahasa rasmi mereka ialah bahasa perancis. Negara mereka tidak juga maju. Sedangkan mereka kaya dengan sumber sumber mineral. Jadi, Mengapa kita harus memasukkan idealogi barat kedalam hidup kita? Contohi negara China, Korea dan Japan yang memartabatkan bahasa ibunda mereka dan mereka masih boleh maju. Ingat tu. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Aku suka lagu ni!

Orang Malaysia.

Mostly we knows about Malaysian's attitude right? Such as "kawan-makan-kawan","mudah-lupa" and many more. One perfect word for the Malaysian is "LOSER". Kamu semua jangan lah saling salah menyalahi sesama sendiri. Don't smile man. It was your fault. Our fouls. Did you know that Malaysia is top 3 practised corruption in this world? Yeahhh!

Anak Badawi pengecut and Najib kaki kuat temberang. Sanggup eh kamu bersumpah. Neraka menanti kamu. Kamu menipu rakyat, kamu menipu dunia dan kamu menipu diri sendiri hanya untuk kepentingan kamu. Did not you realised that people?

COME ON! REACH OUT! SPEAK OUT! Where is your rights as Malaysian people?

Actually i would like to talk about my late bestfriend. Her name is Virginie Laurency. Shes so arrogant right now. Does not text me nor call. Then bila jumpa je cakap aku yang sombong. Come on baby, I still remember the time that you said to me that were friends for forever? Its okay if you want to break it. I will be okay. Come on its Malaysia bby.

I takkutuk u tapi itulah hakikat.

Remember this picture?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Huhu kau sakitkan hati aku.

Ingat pesan aku. What goes around comes around. Kawan makan kawan. Hey berhenti jadi orang lah!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nak jaga standard sangat pun takboleh bangg.

For five years im knewing him. He is like my great best friend. He always by my side when i need helps. He never show me the bad attitude. Never lies, never revile to me and many more. But yesterday he shows his 'taring'. Sorry bro. Bila kau buat salah sekali takpe doh. Tapi SEKALI kau bersamaan dengan kau tikam kawan kawan kau ni bro.

Lepas ni kalau aku jumpa kau sorry la aku nak senyum. But you inciting my friends! you told my friend of untrue thing about me. Itu tuduhan yang tidak rasional terhadap aku. Aku bukanlah orang yang sebegitu jahatnya berbanding engkau wahai kawan ku.

Kau sememangnya baik. But you has the reasons why u need to 'berbaik-baik'. Depan aku kau cakap lain dan belakang aku kau cakap lain. Ya itu sememangnya engkau. At my blog list has one person who knows you. Dan aku tak mahu aibkan kau.

18 April. YES! I still remember your birthday my friend. But this wishes will be the last wishes from me.

tepek baik dari zakwan ke f*z*

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hoi hoi! Jom borak borak!

Haish. Mak ni memekak lah. Tahu lah orang nak bangun sendiri. Pagi pagi dah bising suruh pergi sekolah. Setelah bosan dengar mak membebel aku pun bangun dari katil yang setaraf dengan King Leona 15th Century.

Aku menjatuhkan boxer Calvin Klein (ewahhh) aku ke lantai dan sepantas kilat aku balut badanku dengan tuala. Dan selepas itu, dengan selamber badak aku berjalan lenggang kangkung depan mak yang sedang mengamuk suruh bangun. Aku check jam kat handphone. Baru 6.50! Awal gila nak mampos tu mak oi. Yelah bagi aku pegi sekolah pukul 11pagi pun masih awal. Haishh.

7.05 pagi. Ally Iskandar mula mencarut dikaca televisyen usang di ruang tamu. Sambil tengok muka comel mamat tu aku pun memakai uniform sekolah dan seluar sekolah yang bapak sentengg! (tapi kalau ally iskandar tu jadi gaypartner okay gak en). Dah tua pun takreti reti nak kahwen! Mangkok! Kahwin dengan i nak ally? Hu3.

7.20 pagi. Selepas selesai memakai kasut sekolah Converse (dahdahlatu) aku pun membuka pintu rumah dan siap untuk ke sekolah. Tiba tiba sekumpulan gadis gadis berpakaian seperti ini

Dan juga seperti ini,

Mereka mengepung aku agar tidak dapat aku lari mereka. Aku tidak dibenarkan menjerit kerana mereka tidak membenarkan aku menjerit.

Dan aku tewas.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jika kau bercinta lagi. Lalalalaaa.

The first time i met her is at klcc's entrance. She looks different than myspace. Like others said. "Myspace is fake man". Shes more beautify than orchid Yeah its true. She comes to early morning macam mat indon dapat cuti but i just came at 3.45pm with my cousins, Takep and Syamel. I'm so melting when she hugged me so tightly. Love at first sight lah katakan. Hahah. And i really love her until now.

But here today. The another girl with her evils horn come and turbids the purify. DEAUUU! Backstabbers never let you go man. Theirs always try to turn you down. This is human. Esspecially MALAY. Bodoh melayu hati busuk. Suka tengok bangsa sendiri susah daripada tengok bangsa sendiri senang. Ibarat pepatah onyang derma. "Kalau lagu ni la mika, Sampai sudah dok habis."

She always try to makes me jealousy to her because she care about her. But its irritating babe! It hurts doh! Do you know why you have alot of friends? SOS! by buying your friends? You're always think that you are the coolest one. The greatest one. And mostly perfect. No no noo all wrong.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Im not saturated!

I hate zainal. He's like a zionism army for me. Causes his resolution spoiled. Stupid cilakak punya ketua!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Haa im so excited!

Come baby come. I'd wait for this soo longg. Just make it crash. Artdeep jangan risau aku akan datang! And just a few times. The fogger comes to fogging. :)